Rheumatic Fever Prevention & Kiri Ora Programme
Rheumatic Fever Prevention & Kiri Ora Programme
In the seven local Tūhoe Kura we provide in school swabbing for Rheumatic Fever in an attempt to reduce the high rates of Rheumatic Fever which can lead to heart disease. The RF team can also view and make recommendation for treatment, education and provide resources for Kiri Ora / Healthy Skin including school sores/impetigo, cellulitis, scabies, bites and infestations. We also provide a weekly community walk in clinic.Kura: Te Kura Mana Māori o Matahi, Waimana School, Te Kura o Taneatua, Te Wharekura o Ruatoki, Tawera Bilingual School, Nukuhou North School, Te Mahoe School
I roto i ngā kura e whitu o Tūhoe ka whakahaeretia e mātou he tētēhi ūkui mō te Mate Rūmātiki hei whakaheke i te hunga e pāngia ana e te Mate Rūmātiki ka pā hoki ki te mate manawa. Ka taea hoki e te rōpū AMR te āta pānui me te kimi āwhina kia whiwhi rongoā, mātauranga, rauemi mō Kiri Ora, arā ngā tūmomo harehare/hakihaki, mate kiri pirau, waihakihaki, ngangau me ngā mate iroiro. Ka whakahaeretia e mātou he hīkoi mā te hāpori huri haere i tō mātou whare. Ngā Kura: Te Kura Mana Māori o Matahi, Waimana School, Te Kura o Tāneatua, Te Wharekura o Ruatoki, Tāwera Bilingual School, Nukuhou North School, Te Mahoe School
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